Kicked off and officially opened to the public on Apr. 12, 2008, the JiaYou Bicycle Trail (嘉油鐵馬道) is one of the only two cycling routes in JiaYi city. Stretching 3.5 kilometers long from southwest to northeast across Jiayi, this trail used to be a busy rail track operated by the Chinese Petroleum Corp.(CPC). Under the reconstruction and package of Jiayi government, there comes cycling paths on both side of the rail track and seven stops throughout the trail: Gexiliow(鴿溪寮), Daojunzuen(道江圳), Hongwastuo(紅瓦厝), Nanjing Rd.(南京路), Minsheng S. Rd.(民生南路), SinminRd.(新民路), and Shihsian Rd. (世賢路)Stop.

Feeling tired? Go grab a seat in one of the shelters considerately sitting along the trail.
You can’t find other places than JiaYou Bicycle Trail where you can legally pedal along the rail track.

As the cycling trail on either side of the track isn't really wide, this place is better for families and couples who are seeking for a relaxing escape than for those cyclists out for the extreme of speed.

Flying birds!! It took me several tries before I could finally snap pictires of them. (Birds are really sensitive and keen; they seem to be able to detect our every move even from high above. Here, I pay my highest respect and admiration to birds photographers!!)