
An Easy Way to Curb Climate change: Seal Gas Leaks


To the naked eye, there was nothing to be seen at a natural gas well in eastern Texas but beige pipes and tanks baking in the sun.

But in the viewfinder of Terry Gosney's infrared camera, three black plumes of gas gushed through leaks that were otherwise invisible.
然而在泰瑞高斯尼的紅外線攝影機的視窗裡,卻有3縷黑色的氣體自裂縫噴出,而這肉眼是看不見的。 (然而在葛斯尼的紅外線攝影機取景器下,3股黑色氣體自裂縫噴出的景象卻清晰可見。)

" Holy smoke, it's blowing like mad," said Mr. Gosney, an environmental field coordinator for EnCana, the Canadian gas producer that operate the year-old well near Franklin, Texas. " It does look nasty."

Within a few days, the leaks had been sealed by workers.

Efforts like EnCana's save energy and money. Yet they're also a cheap, effective way of blunting climate change that could potentially be replicated thousands of times over, from Wyoming to Siberia, energy experts say. Natural gas consists of almost entirely of methane, a potent heat-trapping gas that scientist say accounts for as much as a third of the human contribution to global warming.

"This ? for me is an absolute no-brainer, even more so than putting in those compact fluorescent bulbs in your house," said Al Armendariz, an engineer at Southern University who studies pollutants from oil and gas fields.

Acting quickly to stanch the loss of methane could substantially cut warming in the short run, even as countries tackle the tougher challenge of curbing the dominant green house emission, carbon dioxide, studies by researchers at the Massachusettes Institude of Technology suggest.

Unlike carbon dioxide, which can remain in the atmosphere a century or more once released, methane persists in the air for about 10 years. So aggresively reining in emission now would mean that far less of the gas would be warming the earth in a decade or so.

Methane is also a valuable target because while it is far rarer and more fleeting than carbon dioxide, ton for ton, it traps 25 times as much heat, researchers say.

Yet while federal and international programs have encouraged companies to seek and crub methane emissions from gas and oil wells, pipelines and tanks, aggressive efforts like Encana's are still far from the industry norm.

As a result, some three trillion cubic feet of methane leak into the air every year, with Russia and the United States the leading sources, according to the Environmental Protection Agency's official estimate. And government scientist and industry officials caution that the real fugure is almost certainly higher.

Unless mononitoring is greatly expanded, they say, such emissions could soar as global production of natural gas increases over the next few decades.

But the industry has been largely resistant to an aggressive cleanup.

In April the Obama administration signaled that it could adopt rules requiring the biggest American companies to report all of their greenhouse gas emissions. Oil and gas industry groups countered that the cost and complexity of dealing with some 700,000 wells were too great.


In Spetember the E.P.A announced that the obligatory reporting would begin in 2011 but that it excluded oil and gas operations, at least for the time being.

Some scientists reject the industry arguments(?). " Further delay on finding and stopping such releases would be irresponsible, given the financial and environmental benefits," said F. Sherwood Rowland, a Nobel laureate in chemistry at the university of California, Irvine.
部分科學家反對將這些行業排除在外曾獲頒諾貝爾化學獎的爾灣加州大學教授F. Sherwood Rowland說:「找出並遏止這種逸洩對財務及環保兩方面都有好處,在拖下去是不負責任的行為

Internationally, the amount of methane escaping from the gas and oil operations can be only crudely gauged.

But in 2006 the E.P.A. estimated that Russia, the world's largest gas producer, ranked highest, with 427 billion cubic feet of methane escaping annually, followed by the United States at 346 billion, Ukraine at 225 billion and Mexico at 191 billion.

Reflecting the uncertainty in such estimates, Gazprom, Russia's giant state gas monopoly, estimated its annual emissions at half that figure last year.

'The use of infrared cameras is expanding as words spreads of the payoff in saved gas, ' said Ben Shepperd, executive vice president of the Permian Basin Petroleum Association, which represents 1,200 companies in the oil and gas business around West Texas.
" We would like to see more people doing it," he said. " People are very surprised when they shoot their equipment with these cameras and they see that there are releases in places they wouldn't have expected."

viewfinder 取景器
crudely = roughly 粗略的
but 然而/但/可是
from 自/從
compact fluorescent bulbs 省電燈泡
challenge 考驗
substantially 大幅..
aggresively 積極
E.P.A. 美國環保署 (environmental protection agency)
would like to see 樂見

Translation based on 陳世欽
Source from New York Times of United Daily News

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