
High-Tech Nanny Hangs Up on Drivers

By SAM Grobart

Dede Haskin's cellphone has been her constant companion for more than a decade. And she has always considered herself a careful driver - even using a hands-free set so she could keep both hands on the wheel. [But after missing one too many exits because she was distracted by a phone call, Ms. Haskins decided it was time to get tough with herself.] So [she signed up for ZoomSafer], a free service that uses her phone's GPS sensors to determine whether she's at driving speeds, and then disabled her cellphones until she stops the car. " I really love my cellphone," said Ms. Haskins, the chief executive of a software company in Washington. " But I know I'm not driving safely if I'm using it while behind the wheel." Of course, there's a simpler, no-cost solution to limiting phone use while driving: the off button. But that is hard for many who have become addicted to their gadgets. And so technology companies are trying to solve a problem caused by technology with more technology.

But the solutions reflect markedly different answers to a simple question: How much can drivers be trusted?

One group of companies assume that some people know they can't help themselves, and therefore want a service to automatically disable their cellphone when it's in a moving car.

But other companies said the habit can be made safer with hands-free technology. Ford and Microsoft, for example, are selling systems that rely on voice commands to dial phones.

Hands-free devices are far more popular. But it is cellphone-muzzling technology that has caught the eye of large auto insurers. That's because some studies show that talking on phones while driving is dangerous, even if the drivers is using a headset and has both hands on the whee. One insurer has even said it will offer discounts to customers who use a call-blocking service.


A number of fledging companies like ZoomSafer , Aegis Mobility and obdEdge employ systems that place restrictions on the phones based on the phones' GPS signal, data from the car itself or from nearby cellphone towers. Any incoming calls are then routed to voice mail or a message explaining that the phone's owner is driving. Exceptions can be made for certain numbers.
ZoomSafer , Aegis Mobility 與 obdEdge等許多新成立的公司都採用手機全球定位系統的訊號、車子本身,及鄰近的手機基地台傳來的資料等來限制手機的系統(將句子前後顛倒番比較順)。任何打進來的電話都會被轉進語音信箱或是出現訊息告知手機擁有者正在開車。但某些特定號碼來電可以例外。

Passengers in cars can override such system, but in many cases doing so automatically sends an e-mail message to the account administrator - say, a parent or employer - alerting them that the cellphone is in use.


Employers that want to make sure their drivers abide by bans on cellphone use are obvious potential customers. Community Coffee, a Baton Rouge, Louisiana, coffee roaster and distributor, has had such a ban on its 400 trucks for three years, which the company says has helped reduce its accidents rate by 30 percent.
路易斯安納州巴頓魯志咖啡烘烤商及批發商Community Coffee,已經限制旗下400輛卡車使用手機3年了,公司表示這讓他們車禍事故少了三成

It started testing a call-blocking system from obdEdge, called Cellcontrol, in Augeust. ObdEdge charges companies $85, plus about $5 monthly, for each vehicle equipped with Cellcontrol.


" We realized we had to go beyond eudcation and policy," said Jamey LeBlanc, the risk manager
for Community Coffee. "You're going against human nature here, so you need something that works independently of that."
Community Coffee的風險管理師,杰米‧勒布朗客說:「我們知道我們不能光靠宣導及政策,我們是反人性而行,所以就需要與人性完全無關的東西才行。」

In effect, addiction to gadgets is creating a new gadget industry. "If we could control ourselves, we wouldn't need any of this technology," said Donald Power, a managing partner at obdEdge. " We know it's such a bad habit, but we crave being connected."

Other companies insist the habit is not so bad and can be mitigated by employing voice recognition and speech-to-text technologies in cars.

Such systems are typically developed and prompted by some of the biggest names in electronics and automobiles, as well as well-financed trade groups like the Cousumer Electronics Association and CTIA, the wireless industy group.


Ford and Microsoft, for example, joined forces to develop the Sync system, which uses voice commands to pick out a name from a phone's address book to place a call. It can also retrive incoming text messages and read them aloud.


In 2008, 918,000 hands-free system were installed in cars, according to Cousumer Electronics Association. By the end of 2009, the industry group estimates, that figure will climb to 1.6 million systems.


" We're trying to take what people are doing and make it safer," said Doug Vandagens, the director of Ford's Sync project. " Voice provides the safest options and keeps the driver's eyes on the road."


company 企業
distributor 批發商
prompt 推廣
Washington 華盛頓、華府
30 percent 三成
go beyond 不能光靠
in effect 其實
voice 聲音、語音
組合名詞.... 「名詞+動詞」eg. call-blocking 來電封鎖 instead of 封鎖來電

Translation based on 夏嘉玲
Source from The New York Times of United Daily News

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